ScotWind was the first round of offshore wind leasing rounds in Scottish waters for a decade. It resulted in 20 projects securing seabed option agreements (totalling up to 27.6 GW). Please visit ScotWind leasing round - Offshore Wind - Scotland's property - Crown Estate Scotland for more information.
The windfarm will be located within the area leased from the Crown Estate Scotland.
The exact location of the windfarm has still to be determined and will be informed by the results of site surveys that we will be carrying out in 2023 and 2024. Once we have gathered this data, we will then refine the actual windfarm area itself.
For up-to-date information regarding project timescales please visit our project timeline.
We are still at an early stage of developing MachairWind and there are various factors that will determine the timescales within which the project can be delivered. That said, based on our current project timeline, we are hoping to secure consent around mid-2020s with a view to then starting construction in the mid-to-late 2020's. Thus, we currently expect that the windfarm could be operational and producing power by the early 2030s.
The typical lifespan of a project is 25 years. Assuming that we are successful in securing planning consent and delivering the MachairWind project – then as a responsible developer, we will endeavour to decommission the project in a way which protects the environment and minimises waste.
The project is still in the very early stages of development, so we have not made any decisions yet about where the operation and maintenance (O&M) base will be located. The MachairWind Team has commissioned a third-party specialist to carry out a port feasibility study to help us identify which proximate port facilities will be most suitable for operation and maintenance phase of the MachairWind project, and which will be most suitable port for us to use during the project’s construction phase.
We have appointed a Fisheries Liaison Officer (FLO), Brown & May Marine, to support us in the development of MachairWind. Our FLO will ensure there is regular dialogue between our team, and fishers as well as relevant fisheries organisations.
As well as this, all survey works in the Option Area, and along the potential export cable corridor, will be communicated to fisheries stakeholders in advance through recognised routes (for example through the publication of Notice to Mariners).
Yes, if you think your business could provide services to support the delivery of the project, please register on our Supply Chain Database. You can also contact the supply chain team on: